Jacob Warren Financial Inc.
Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness Insurance

The Airbag in your life

Critical Illness Insurance will pay a lump sum tax free benefit to help you in recovery.

You can use the money for anything you want, it’s very flexible. It can help you financially to take time off work, buy medical supplies, see a medical clinic or specialist and more. You don’t have to rely on the support financially of others such as family members or friends.

You can customize plans to fit your needs such as a return of premium if no illness is diagnosed at a later age. It will assist in protecting your retirement savings so you don’t have to worry about your income in retirement..

If you are healthy today that is the best time to get the coverage. If you don’t plan and wait until you feel unwell the risk becomes greater and acceptance for coverage is a greater challenge.

If you are independently wealthy, we find that the choice to buy Critical Illness is still a high priority because it is still the cheaper option over the alternatives of using personal or business assets.
